Why muruga called tamil god
Why muruga called tamil god

why muruga called tamil god

Some theorists do believe that many deities are actually amalgams of different deities of different peoples. If there is acceptance of each other's beliefs then it is easier to assimilate them. Yes, when peoples of different origin meet, they seek similarities as much as differences. Faith cannot be subjugated to History or at least our understanding of it. If He is called Muruga in Tamil Nadu and other parts of the country, it does not make Him a local deity at all. I think of Him as the son of Shankar and Parvati. I also think of Him as the valiant slayer of Tarkasura. Isn't it too late to talk of whether Muruga was a Tamil God or did he have a pan-Indian following? The fact is that being a North Indian, when I see a statue of Muruga, I bow my head in reverence. Lord Subramanyawhich is present in kadamba territory is transported to Tamil Nadu as Murugan. This line shows that muruga came to tamilnadu with kadamba rulers. So around 15th century and subsequently dravidian- aryan ideology has made Murugan the cult figure in tamil. Until 14th century the karthikeya was obscure in tamil divinity and was worshipped in a similar way to being worshipped in other parts of India and srilanka. The translation Kanda puranam and Thiruvilayadal and susequently Thirupugazh has fundamentally altered the Kanda- Karthikeya story to Tamil Murugan. History shows that the legend comes from sanskrit and puranic traditions, with imperfect translations and introducing legends of their own while doing so. In the north, he is generally seen as a bachelor hence the name kumara whereas the southern tradition has him married to two wives. Tamil tradition states he was the younger of the two.

why muruga called tamil god

In the Shiva-Purana, he is seen helping Shiva fight the newly born Ganesha, Shiva's other son, when Ganesha stopped Shiva from entering his home in Kailasa. The Sanskrit epics and Puranas seem to indicate that he was the eldest son of Shiva, as the tale of Shiva's marriage to Parvati indicates. Kartikeya - Differences in puranic and Tamil traditions There seems to be some intriguing differences in the traditions associated with Kartikeya in the Puranic and Tamil. Eventhough there is talk of murugan in Sangam age, there is no evidence of that. There is no reference to Murugan in tamil literature until Kanda puranam got written in tamil from skanda purana in 14 th century AD.

Why muruga called tamil god